Eating out with Diabetes -The Dos and the Don’ts

Eating out with Diabetes -The Dos and the Don’ts


Eating out is an important topic regarding Diabetes. According to a survey of 1,000 Americans, “56% of those who eat out will do so at least 2-3 times per week including dining and ordering food out.”



Why is this topic important? Eating out often means temptation for eating high calorie, high fat, and high sodium foods Plus, the portions are usually large and the food is usually low in nutrients.  


Although there is so much than can be said about eating out and Diabetes.

 Here is a quick do and don’t guide to assist you in making better choices. 



The Dos:

ü  Salad dressing on the side

ü  Drink a glass of water before the food arrives.

ü  Ask for a to go container be brought to you upon delivery of your meal and put ½ of your meal in the to go container. 

ü  Substitute steamed vegetables instead of eating fries. One cup of steamed broccoli =31 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates, 1 small fries= 230 calories and 28 grams of carbohydrate. You can save about 200 calories and over 20 grams of carbohydrate. This is even with a small fries not to mention a large fries! Get this- a large fries is a whopping 510 calories and 66 grams of carbohydrates!!!

ü  Plan ahead! The saying goes….”If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Go on the web and look at the menu ahead of time and figure out what you will eat. 


The Don’ts:

ü  Don’t eat bread before the meal

ü  Don’t eat foods described as buttery, buttered, fried, pan-fried, crispy, creamed, escalloped or au gratin (with cheese). These all add extra fat and extra calories to the meal.

ü  Avoid eating out too many times. 

ü  When at salad bars do not put cheese, potato salad, macaroni salad or other high calorie foods on your salad. That can equal so many calories. You can be eating over 1,000 calories just by eating that salad out and what you put on it. 

ü  Avoid appetizers. If you want an appetizer, order it as your meal and add a small salad.


 Eating out is convenient, fun AND we do not have to do dishes! 

It is possible to eat out and not ruin the management of your Diabetes. It does take planning ahead, making wise choices and being mindful not to over do it.



Jane Giambrone